Sunday, 24 September 2006
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Chomsky es #1
Un don es una responsabilidad
Hace unos veinte años, cuando estudiaba ingeniería de la computación en la universidad, aprendí que Noam Chomsky fue uno de los precursores de los lenguajes de programación, y con ellos de la informática en general, a través de su formalización de las gramáticas de los lenguajes "naturales".
Chomsky hizo sus análisis y creó sus teorías en los '50 y '60, es decir en la época que en informática consideramos el nacimiento de la computación digital. En otras palabras, Chomsky fue un pionero.
Este año me reincorporé a la UCAB (Univarsidad Católica Andrés Bello) para volver a dictar el curso de Traductores e Intérpretes (T&I), cuyo contenido está basado en buen grado en la aplicación práctica de las teorías de Chomsky sobre los lenguajes.
Hoy se conoce más a Chomsky por su activismo social (o será político?). Dicta numerosas conferencias y escribe numerosos artículos todos los años. Es uno de los nacionales de EEUU más críticos de los gobiernos y la forma de hacer política de su propio país.
Rueda por la internet que el discurso de Hugo Chávez, presidente de Venezuela, ante la Asamblea General de la ONU disparó el más reciente libro de Chomsky al cuarto lugar de la lista de más leidos del New York Times (!?). El libro es hoy el número uno en ventas en :
Posted by Unknown at 10:35 0 comments
Labels: activismo, amazon, chavez, chomsky, código, computador, eeuu, formal, informática, lenguaje de programación, libros, noam, ordenador, política, programa, programática, social, software
Monday, 11 September 2006
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Setting up a CVS repository on Linux
It takes more than you'd think to bootstrap a team
One might think that it is enough to create a directory under /var/lib/cvs to get a new CVS repository working for a project. My experience is that it takes much more to set up a CVS repository that can be securely and seamlessly shared among members of a project group.
What follows is based on Fedora (RedHat) distributions of Linux, but it will work with any other distribution with very few changes.
Work as root
Most of the commands that need to be executed for this setup are privileged, so it is much easier to work as root. So do:
$ su
or try:
$ sudo su
If the first doesn't work (it doesn't on most Debian-based systems).
Install CVS
Update to the latest version of CVS:
$ up2date cvs
Create a user for your project
There are many way to set up directories for CVS. Many just create directories (modules in CVS parlance) under /var/lib/cvs. In my experience it is best to create a user/group pair for each project with the corresponding directory under /home. That makes permission management much easier and provides an obvious place to store project-related files, create cron tasks, etc.
$ adduser myproject
Create a directory for the CVS repository
This needs little explanation:
$ mkdir /home/myproject/cvs
Set directory permissions
The basic permissions must give read, write, and navigation abilities to members of the project group, and to no one else.
$ chmod ug+rwX /home/myproject $ chmod ug+rwx /home/myproject/cvs $ chmod o-rwx --recursive /home/myproject
Set the SGUID bit on the CVS repository directory
It's a little known fact that setting the SGID (Set Group Id) bit on a directory makes files and directories created under it inherit the permissions of the parent. Setting the bit for a CVS repository is indispensable because otherwise users will be able to create archive files which only they can change.
$ chmod g+s /home/myproject/cvs
More information on the SGID bit over directories can be found here.
Initialize the CVS repository
$ cvs -d /home/myproject/cvs init
If you execute:
$ ls -l /home/myproject/cvs
You should see this:
drwxrws--- 3 myproject myproject 4096 2006-09-05 11:26 CVSROOT
Create the root CVS module
CVS has this somewhat confusing concept of modules. To make a potentially long explanation short, it is best if you create a directory under the CVS repository to serve as root for all project files under version control.
$ mkdir /home/myproject/cvs/myproject
Add the users to the project's group
If you haven't created the users on the system, create them now:
$ adduser john $ adduser mary
Because we're going to use SSH (Secure Shell) access to the cvs repository, it is important that each user has their own Linux login. Otherwise CVS won't be able to capture who changed what.
Now add the users to the project's group:
$ usermod john -G myproject $ usermod mary -G myproject
Install and configure SSH
$ up2date ssh
You might want to tighten up security by restricting which users have SSH access to the server, and you might have to tweak your firewall to let traffic go through the SSH port (port 22).
You can try checking out the (for now empty) root module from CVS using a remote desktop or server. The first step is to tell CVS that you want to use SSH for remote repository access (something you might to set up permanently in your ~/.bashrc file or the likes):
$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
Next we extract the repository root:
$ cd ~ # switch to our home directory
$ cvs -d co myproject
If you execute:
$ ls -l myproject
You should see something like:
drwxr-x--- 2 myname myname 4096 2006-09-05 11:39 CVS
If that works, you're almost a 100% set. "Almost", because on some systems you might need to set each project group member's UMASK to 007 in their ~/.bashrc to avoid creation of archive files in the CVS repository which are not group writable.
That's it!
As you many have noted, most of the steps in this process can be easily automated using a shell script that is invoked as:
$ addproject myproject
That is exactly what I've done for gigs in which projects are created frequently. In this case, writing the script is left as homework =)
Posted by Unknown at 10:42 0 comments
Labels: cvs, group, linux, programming, version control
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