Black Beans
Black beans are a typical dish in all countries in and around the Caribbean: the islands, México, Central America, and the North of South America. They're a favorite because they're delicious, they can be prepared to accompany many foods or as main dish, they taste great when prepared in advance, and they're very nutritious.
This recipe describes my favorite way of preparing black beans. Some variations are described at the end.
Basic Ingredients for 4 people
- One pound of black beans
- Salt
The harvesting process may leave small sticks or stones in black beans. Be sure remove them, specially the stones. Take a handful of beans at a time, lay the beans flat on the table, and remove any strange objects, as well as any split or deformed beans.Soaking
Black beans are tough beans, so they usually require plenty of cooking, more so the more the beans have been in storage. Rather than cooking the beans indefinitely, or use a pressure cooker (which is known may become a WMD when combined with black beans), I prefer to soak the beans in water for several hours before starting the actual cooking. Black beans may be soaked for just a couple of hours, overnight, or from early morning till afternoon. The more they're soaked the less the cooking that will be required. Soaking has the additional advantage that, unlike the cooking, it can be done unattended.Place the clean black beans on a bowl that can hold at least double the volume of the beans. Fill the bowl with water, and let it rest for at least two hours. If left to soak long enough, the beans will absorb most or all of the water.
Drain the soaked beans discarding any remaining liquid, wash them with running water, and place them in a tall cooking pot that can hold at least double the volume of the beans. Add water to cover twice the volume of the beans, and turn on the heat to max. After the liquid starts boiling, lower the heat until you get a simmer.Cook the black beans stirring every once in a while until they are tender, but not so tender that they start loosing their skins or breaking. This shouold take about two hours. Always keep the liquid level a little above the beans by adding one cup of water at a time when needed. You can let the liquid reduce after the beans are done.
To know when the beans are done, byte one. The beans, when done, should be "al dente", that is, in one piece, shiny black on the outside, and white and soft on the inside. The remaining liquid should have become very black and creamy.
The reason why so much attention is required for cooking black beans is because the tenderness/toughness of black beans varies widely. To be cooked to the right point, they require being looked after throughout.
Add salt to taste, and you already have a black bean dish.Syrup
The flavor of black beans becomes more characteristic and intense when sugar is added. I use sugar-cane syrup when available, but plain sugar works too. You can experiment with whatever syrup you have at hand. Add a spoonful of syrup to the black beans, stir, and taste, until you feel their flavor intensify. Stop before there's the smallest hint of sweetness.Once more, you have a delicious and ready black bean dish.