About Me
Juancarlo (Juanco/Juanca) Añez is a software developer specialized in providing object-oriented solutions to business, scientific, and engineering problems. During his professional career, Juanco has designed and developed many complete software systems running different computing platforms and using several different programming languages. He has successfully worked with multidisciplinary teams across several projects, and has designed and supervised the architecture of several software projects for clients in Venezuela and the United States.
In recent years Juanco has advising clients and partners on software project management, best software development practices, and software quality certification.
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Juancarlo's experience and current interests include:- Management of Software Projects
- Agile Software Development
- Design Patterns and Refactoring
- Object and Aspect-oriented programming
- Distributed/collaborative software development.
- The Capability Maturity Model and other quality certification standards.
- The role of open-source/free software in business environment.
He is bilingual Spanish/English, and has working knowledge of Italian and French.
Degree in Computing Engineering, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, 1994. He was mentored on software project management practices by some of the best consultants in the world during his participation in Compuserve's Software Development and CASE forums.Career in brief
Juancarlo started programming as a hobby in 1979, and moved onto professional software development in 1985, when he funded Modelistica. During his professional career, Juancarlo has consulted and developed software systems for important organizations in the private and public sectors.Management, Processes, and Best Practices
During 2003, 2004, and early 2005, in partnership with DBAccess, he was consultant on several projects for CNA, a US-based global insurance company. He collaborated in the development of a tool for verification of web application validity and compliance with company standards, wrote an assessment about application migration to a different Model-View-Controller (MVC) technology, and was involved as a consultant or architect in several infrastructure, business-critical, and application projects, including the definition of an agile process to carry out "SWAT" work in the company.During early 2003 Juancarlo was IT consultant for the Venezuelan Minister of Planning and Development, under the supervision of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). He was in charge of the initial design of the processes involved in the 2003 Venezuelan foreign currency exchange control systems.
Between 2002 and 2003, Juancarlo was professor in charge of the Translators and Interpreters_Between 1994 and 1995, he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Environmental Studies
Between 1999 and 2000, he was correspondent in open-source software during the launch of the Borland Developer NetworkBetween 1994 and 1999, Juanco was writer and corresponding editor for the prestigious Windows Tech Journal magazine, and software reviewer for Java Report.
Since 1987, Juanco has been a consultant for the Schools of Architecture and Law of the Central University of VenezuelaBetween 1985 and 2005 Juancarlo has been share-holder and Director of IT of Modelistica, a company specialized in software systems and urban and transportation planning. He was one of the creators and is currently the maintainer of the TRANUS, one of the most acclaimed urban and transportation simulation systems in the world.
Since 1994 Juancarlo became a regular writer for the prestigious Windows Tech Journal magazine. He wrote dozens of articles for the magazine, and became one of its Contributing Editors in 1997. He was a weekly correspondent on open-source software for the Borland Developer News online publication during its launch in 1999 (copies of the articles are available here). He also wrote technical articles, editorials, and reviews for publications such as Visual Basic Developers Journal, and Java Report. Juanco was a technical editor for the third and fourth editions of the "Mastering Delphi" series of books by Marco Cantú.Publications
- "Asignación probabilística multimodal" (Multimodal Probabilistic Assignment) with de T. de la Barra and B. Pérez, Urbana, Volume 4, No. 25, Caracas, Venezuela 1999.
- Correspondent for Borland Developer News InPublishing LLC, New Hampshire, USA, between October 1999 and January, 2000. Contributing Editor for Windows Tech Journal, PennWell Publishing, New Hampshire, USA, between July 1997 and December 1998.
- Several software reviews (still available online) for Java Report, SIGS/101 Publications, throughout 1999.
- Correspondent for Windows Tech Journal, PennWell Publishing, New Hampshire, USA, between July, 1997 and December, 1998.
- "In Search of a Better VCS", Windows Tech Journal, PennWell Publishing, New Hampshire, USA, September 1997.
- "A Solid Foundation", review of three OO CASE tools, Windows Tech Journal, Oakley Publishing, Oregon, USA,December 1996.
- "An Awkward Fit", mapping objects to relational databases, Windows Tech Journal, Oakley Publishing, Oregon, USA, August 1996.
- "Secrets of the Heap", an exploration of the Borland Delphi Memory Manager, Delphi supplement to Windows Tech Journal, Oakley Publishing, Oregon, USA, June 1996.
- "When Good Enough Isn't", guest editorial in VB Tech Journal, Oakley Publishing, Oregon, USA, April 1996.
- "Safety First", Using assertions effectively in Borland Delphi, Windows Tech Journal, Oregon, USA, February 1996.
- "A Perfect Fit", An introduction to the Software Design Patterns movement, Windows Tech Journal, Oregon, USA, September 1995.
- "Multidimensional path search and Assignment", with T dl Barra y B Pérez, in Proceedings of the 21st PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, Manchester-England, 1993.
- "Vida Entre Máquinas", (Life Among Machines), monthly column in the computing supplement of the Economía Hoy daily newspaper, Caracas, Venezuela, 1992-1993.
- "Representación Analítica de Sistemas Complejos de Transporte" (Analytic Representation of Complex Transport Systems), with T dl Barra y B Pérez, Proceedings of the VII Pan-American Congress of Transport Engineering, Caracas, Venezuela 1992.
- "SIT Un sistema de Bajo Costo para la Realización de Encuestas Origen/Destino en Hogares", (SIT A low cost system for processing home based origin-destination surveys), with T dl Barra y B Pérez, Proceedings of the VII Pan-American Congress of Transport Engineering, Caracas, Venezuela 1992.
- "Dual Graph Representation of Transport Networks" with T dl Barra y B Pérez, Transportation Research A.
Contat Information
Email: juanca@suigeneris.orgPhone: +58 412 222 1160